Return Policy
Can I return items from a BOGO offer?
For Buy One Get One Free and Buy Two Get One Free offers: BOGO item(s) that were charged $0.00 have no refund value. If you return the original full-price item(s), you may either return the free item or pay its full retail price.
For Buy One Get One Half Off offers: Item(s) that were charged half-price have a refund value of the purchase price. If you return the original full-price item, you may either return the half-price item for a refund at the price you paid or you may keep it and pay the difference of item’s full retail price.
Are there any return shipping fees?
All return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer. Your refund will not include shipping charges previously paid for or shipping charges incurred upon returning merchandise.
How do I return a broken or defective item?
If you received a broken or defective item, please drop us an email at so we can get it taken care of right away! We’ll work with you to send a replacement at no additional charge.
When will I receive my refund?
We will start processing your return request as soon as we receive your item(s). We will inspect all returns to ensure your item(s) are in their original condition and do not show any signs of use. We’ll send you an email when your return is complete. Please keep in mind that refunds normally take up to 10 business days to appear on your credit card statement.
If your item(s) arrived broken or defective, please email us at, and chat with us so we can make it right! We’d like to send you a replacement right away at no additional charge.